I create affordable art objects. You can find more of my work at https://cigartinstories.etsy.com.



an illustrated chapbook

an original story illustrated throughout

thirty-four pages plus cover

fifteen original drawings

binding stitched by hand

a story about a team of adventurers, academics and fortune seekers with a one-year contract to explore a lost planet's dead civilization

from The Realms of Ravenous Night Series — the Emptiness of Infinite Space Encompassing All

three quotations might explain …

Not everything has a name.
Some things lead us into a realm beyond words.
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Fantasy abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters.
— Francisco Goya

The true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate.
— O. Henry

shipped with care

an inexpensive gift for the friend who enjoys science fiction and the graphic novel side of things

every copy comes with an extra art surprise

buy from people, not corporations

buy things made by human imagination, not A.I.

escape the dreaming planet ... give the gift of original literature