heroes of the trojan war
mixed media collage on panel board
9 x 12 inches
drawing + painting + found paper + typography + wax transfer + writing + mark making + staining + colour fields + layers + collage
this artwork is sealed and finished with varnish
the idea of a ruined city into a painting
durable — can be freely handled
meant for a frame but can stand on its own as well, on a mantle, dresser or corner of a cubicle
three quotes come to mind …
I should like to know who has been carried off, except poor dear me - I have been more ravished myself than anybody since the Trojan war.
— Lord Byron
The first to die was PROTESILAUS
A focused man who hurried to darkness
With forty black ships leaving the land behind
Men sailed with him from those flower-lit cliffs
Where the grass gives growth to everything
Pyrasus Iton Pteleus Antron
He died in mid-air jumping to be first ashore
There was his house half-built
His wife rushed out clawing her face
Podarcus his altogether less impressive brother
Took over command but that was long ago
He’s been in the black earth now for thousands of years
— from Memorial by Alice Oswald
“...like that star of the waning summer who beyond all stars rises bathed in the ocean stream to glitter in brilliance.”
― Homer, The Iliad
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escape from the dreaming planet ... give the gift of original art
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buy things made by humans, not computers
remember, you can’t unplug a painting
oh my god, it’s a collage
you can find more of my work at www.etsy.com/ca/shop/cigartinstories