I create affordable art objects. You can find more of my work at https://cigartinstories.etsy.com.

difficulty (i always cry at weddings)


mixed media collage on panel board

11 x 14 inches

some pop art meets ruined billboard. some scraped-away wreckage at the end of the world. some fragments of thought in colour, form and movement. some marks and reminders at the close of any argument.

this artwork is sealed and finished with varnish

a piece alive with texture, colour and movement

durable — can be freely handled

meant for a frame but can stand on its own as well, on a mantle, dresser or corner of a cubicle

three quotes come to mind …

There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties, or you alter yourself to meet them.
— Phyllis Bottome

Avoiding problems you need to face is avoiding the life you need to live.
— Paulo Coelho

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupery

ready to hang (there is wire applied in back)

everything from my store comes with an extra art surprise

escape from the dreaming planet ... give the gift of original art

buy from people, not corporations

buy things made by humans, not computers

oh my god, it’s a collage

you can find more of my work at www.etsy.com/ca/shop/cigartinstories